Mykolas Romeris University, together with three other European universities, runs the Erasmus Mundus European Joint Master's Degree Program in Social Work with Children and Youth (ESWOCHY). We talk about the uniqueness of this program with Noah Agbo, an alumnus of the program, who is originally from Nigeria and is currently doing his PhD research and teaching internship at MRU:
"I desired to undergo all these experiences of social work from an international perspective with variety of cultural understanding and also to build my international collaboration so ESWOCHY was the perfect fit. My colleagues came from different countries, backgrounds, different culture in understanding the practices of social work, so it was really interesting to be in a class with such magnanimous cultural diversities. I'm more confident to go out into the society and make impact because I have been well groomed from ESWOCHY program.”
What was different and interesting about studying at Mykolas Romeris University? What experience do you take away from your intercultural studies?
What was different and interesting about studying at MRU, is that the teachers are very empathetic, the facilities for studies are up to date and top notch. I would also say the content of delivery, or the content of the courses are relevant, modern, and important in this generation. Studying in MRU broadened my horizon and provided me with new perspective to Education in the area of excellence in social work. One challenge I might want to note is language barrier which I think there are structures to bridge this gap.
How did and do the studies you completed contribute to your career path? What skills and experience have you gained that are valued in the labor market?
My takeaway would be that no culture is bigger or is stronger or relevant than the other culture. Every culture has its advantages and disadvantages and so as social workers working with children and youth and other vulnerable groups, we need to empower ourselves and others in the society with the knowledge that every culture is important.
Conclusively, beyond the garnered research skills in social work, understanding the profession as a social worker, I broadly would opine that the ESWOCHY program helped me to improve my communication and collaboration skills. I have been mesmerized with what I have learned from this program, and I desire to give back to others.