
29 July, 2019
Nigerian Master’s Student Recommends Studying in Social Policy Pgm
Faculty of Human and Social Studies
Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Master's Degree Nigerian student Julius Adekunle recently returned from Nigeria where he saw his first-born son, Oluwatosin. A student in the joint Comparative Social Policy & Welfare programme, he's spent a semester at Finland's Tampere University, a partner in the programme.
I'm very satisfied with the programme and lecturers are fantastic, he said. He likes many of the MRU lecturers in the programme. He singled out MRU Assoc. Prof. Justinas Sadauskas and Assoc. Prof. Alina Petrauskienė as some of the best and most helpful lecturers.
"I did my Bachelor's Degree at MRU," he said. "I'm satisfied. I would recommend the programme to other Nigerians," he added and said he has already done so.
He enjoys Lithuanian cuisine - especially cepelinai. "For me, I have no problems here," Julius said. He is spending his 7th year in Vilnius and said he finds that many young people speak English.
He's also managed to learn some Lithuanian, but is not fluent.
Julius also does not complain about the weather in Lithuania. "I lived in Belarus previously," he said and finds that the weather is similiar there and in Lithuania.
When he graduates, he hopes to go back to Nigeria and continue work with the NGO he has helped found. However, if a good job offer appears in Europe, he may stay in Lithuania or elsewhere in Europe.
"It depends on the job," he said.
He is a student in the Comparative Social Policy and Welfare programme, a joint programme with Tampere University and Austria's Johannes Kepler University Linz.