Nida's Best Art Exhibit Featured Painters from Abroad, LT - MRU

7 December, 2018
Nida’s Best Art Exhibit Featured Painters from Abroad, LT
Art Exhibition

Dec. 6th, 2018, Mykolas Romeris University Rector Assoc. Prof. Algirdas Monkevičius, academics attended the opening of Lithuania's NIDA's Best Art Exhibit.

Painters that exhibited their works included those from: Armenia, Belarus, Denmark, Germany, Latvia, Nepal, Poland, France, India, and Lithuania.

Vija Tarabildienė, Jonas Daniliauskas, Arvydas Každailis, Saulius Kruopis and others exhibited works of art. The exhibition celebrated the 100th anniversary of Lithuania's restored statehood.

Artists' Association Tiltas, which is headed by painter Saulius Kruopis, organized the event.