From Jan. 1st, there are 4 new Institutes at Mykolas Romeris University's (MRU) Law Faculty.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Agnė Tvaronavičienė, Chairman of Lithuania's Arbitration Court, will head the new Public Law Institute, which was formed joining the Business Law Dept. and the Civil Justice Institute.
Tvaronavičienė is Deputy Head of the MRU LAB Mediation and Sustainable Conflict Resolution Laboratory and the Editor of the MRU "Jurisprudencija" and "Tarptautinė lyginamoji jurisprudencija" research journals. She also is the head of the Public Law graduate studies programme.
MRU Law Prof. Milda Vainiūtė has been appointed the Public Law Institute's Deputy Director. She was the Director of the earlier Law Faculty's Constitution and Administrative Law Institute.
The new Private Law Institute will be headed by Prof. Virginijus Bitė, who is the former Head of MRU's Business Law Dept. Prof. Bitė is also the Private Law Master's Degree studies programme head, a member of the Editorial Board of the MRU "Jurisprudencija" research journal and the MRU LAB Justice Laboratory Head.
Prof. Bitė also chairs the Lithuanian Bar Association's Civil Law and Civil Process Committee and is listed as a recommended arbitrator at the Lithuanian Arbitration Court.
The Deputy Head of the Private Law Institute is Assoc. Prof. Lina Novikovienė, who was head of the MRU Business Law Dept. (2011-2013).
The other Law Faculty Institutes are: Criminal Law and Process Institute and the International and European Union (EU) Law Institute.