From Jan. 25th, 2021, over 100 international exchange and degree students from 21 countries began online remote Introductory Week events at Mykolas Romeris University. It is a way to meet new friends at MRU. Events were organized by the International Office and the ESN MRU team.
Students came from Austria, Bangladesh, Germany, Greece, Turkey, Ukraine, Portugal, Vietnam and Belarus and more than a dozen other countries.
The online sessions from Jan. 25th extended a welcome to new exchange students on an online platform offering informative tips. There were fun games as well that helped students get a first impression of the University and life in Lithuania.
Spring semester 2021, the International Office and exchange students experienced their orientation week via online means due to the pandemic. Still, students had a chance to meet in small groups during the online events and ask questions to get to know each other in a better way.
Students were informed about the procedure of studies, electronic services of the Library, the COVID-19 situation in Lithuania, accommodation at MRU's Student House and Vilnius public transportation. After the events, Q&A sessions were organized to answer students' questions. Besides these informative activities, the MRU International Office trainees and former Erasmus students shared their Erasmus experiences with newcomers. Team building activities were organised for Erasmus students.
MRU's virtual Introductory Week also allowed those students who were not able to come to Lithuania this week, to connect and attend orientation events too.
University International Office trainees and former Erasmus exchange students shared their Erasmus experiences with newcomers.