Mykolas Romeris university officially became a member of the European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) - MRU

24 October, 2023
Mykolas Romeris university officially became a member of the European Reform University Alliance (ERUA)
Public Security Academy
Faculty of Public Governance and Business
Faculty of Human and Social Studies
Law School

Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), together with 7 other ERUA (European Reform University Alliance) members, has signed a EUR 12.8 million Grant Agreement with the European Commission's European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA) to launch the ambitious four-year ERUA2 initiative.

The uniqueness of the ERUA2 initiative lies in its innovative integrated academic space, where a student-centered education system will contribute to and promote an open and inclusive society. By increasing mobility opportunities, introducing a virtual campus, establishing joint degree programmes, creating academic innovation labs, research clusters and co-developing social entrepreneurship concepts, the ERUA2 initiative will directly enhance the competitiveness of European higher education and contribute more effectively to global challenges.

According to the Rector Prof. Dr. Inga Žalėnienė, ERUA members universities are collectively committed to fostering an inclusive, experimental, innovative and socially oriented learning environment. This alliance is particularly strong in the humanities, social sciences and arts. This will enable it to develop a creative approach to higher education and research, which will contribute to the reform of higher education. MRU will lead one of the Alliance's key areas of focus - the development of research-based clusters.

The ERUA2 initiative focuses on students, who will be involved in all activities and initiatives of the ERUA network, being involved in the governance structures and encouraged to be ambassadors of ERUA's ideas and reformist approaches to society.

ERUA brings together 8 universities from different European countries in the East, West, North and South: Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), University of Paris 8 (France), University of the Aegean (Greece), Bulgarian University - NBU (Bulgaria), SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities (Poland), University of Gran Canaria - ULPGC (Spain), University of Macerata (Italy), European University Viadrina (Germany).