January 15th, 2015, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Senate Chairman Prof. Gintaras Aleknonis announced the new 9 members of the MRU Council.
The MRU academic community delegated Social Technologies Faculty Dean Prof. Leta Dromantienė, Public Security Faculty Dean Prof. Saulius Greičius, Professor Emeritus Vytautas Pakalniškis and Professor Emeritus Juozas Žilys to the Council.
In an open competition, there were 4 Council members selected from non-University personnel and students. They were appointed by the Senate and include: former Seimas member Česlovas Juršėnas, Lithuania's former Prime Minister and ex-Seimas member Gediminas Vagnorius, Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania (LSA) Director Roma Žakaitienė and Lithuanian Business Support Agency Law Dept. Legal Officer Jovydas Dumarkas.
The MRU Student Body delegated Law graduate Laurynas Juozapaitis to the Council.
In addition, during their meeting, Senate members selected MRU Prof. Irena Žemaitaitytė as Senate Vice-Chairman and MRU Chancellor Assoc. Prof. Saulius Spurga as Senate Secretary.
Having updated the Working Rules, the Senate also selected Commissions and their members. For the Studies Commission: Prof. Valdonė Indrašienė (Chairman); Dean Prof. Saulius Greičius, Law Faculty Acting Dean Assoc. Prof. Snieguolė Matulienė, Assoc. Prof. Vainius Smalskys. For the Research & Doctoral Commission: Law Prof. Eglė Bilevičiūtė (Chairman); Law Prof. Saulius Katuoka, Prof. Birutė Pranevičienė, Psychology Prof. Rita Žukauskienė. For the Statute Advisory and Ethics Commission: Prof. Alvydas Baležentis (Chairman), Lecturer Vytautas Azbainis, Faculty of Politics and Management Dean Assoc. Prof. Algirdas Monkevičius, and Law Prof. Vytautas Sinkevičius.For the Personnel & Finance Affairs Commission: Prof. Tadas Sudnickas (Chairman), Assoc. Prof. Irmantas Rotomskis and Law Prof. Algimantas Urmonas.