October 26th, 2015, MRU LAB Heads met with members of Lithuania's Association of Local Authorities' Education Office to discuss possible areas of cooperation. Education representatives agreed to identify problematic areas, which researchers could confront and possibly help resolve.
MRU Educational Technologies Laboratory (ETL) Head Assoc. Prof. Asta Balkutė and Lifelong Learning Laboratory Head Assoc. Prof. Jolanta Urbanovič met with the Education Office Heads.
In addition, MRU Academic Affairs Centre Studies Unit Head, Vice Deputy Barbara Stankevič and Communication and Marketing Centre Head Šarūnas Sakalauskas participated in the meeting.
The meeting was initiated by Lithuania's Association of Local Authorities' advisor on education and culture issues, Jonas Mickus.
The representatives were acquainted with the new MRU LAB building, which houses 19 different laboratories inicluding the ETL and the Lifelong Learning Lab.
Sakalauskas noted that one of the most promising areas for Mykolas Romeris University is policy targeting regions.
University representatives plan to visit regions and to meet with members of the local community and education officials in the region. They will seek to identify needs, which MRU could help resolve and to foster closer cooperation between researchers and local community members.