July 9th-17th, the MRU Law Faculty's 10th annual international Human Rights Summer School opens. Students from Belarus, Denmark, Iraq, France, Poland and other countries are participating.
This year the School is organized by MRU in conjunction with France's Rouen University and support from the Polish Institute and Nordplus programme.
Human Rights legal experts from France, the U.K., the U.S., and Lithuania will lecture at the School.
During the course of the Summer School participants will analyze human rights issues and seek ways to resolve conflicts.
Participants will also be acquainted with the activities of insitutions safeguarding human rights in Lithuania.
At the end of the School there will be an International Criminal Court moot court session at Lithuania's Constitutional Court in Vilnius.
"With small steps we are working towards achieving a more just, mature and aware society," said MRU Law Faculty Vice-Dean Assoc. Prof. Regina Valutytė, an organizer of the School.