
9 June, 2023
MRU #walk15 Challenge Coming to an End
The walking challenge, #walk15 MRU, which has been extremely popular on campus is coming to an end. There are about 756 University community members taking part. Together they have managed to walk 132,264 kilometers.
Currently the University teams have managed to walk each day on average about 5,000 steps:
- MRU Alumni Team (19 members) on average have walked daily 7,770 steps;
- MRU Staff Team (82 members) on average walked daily 5,821 steps;
- MRU Law School's Team (223 members) have walked daily on average 5,532 steps;
- MRU Public Security Academy's Team (238 members) have walked daily on average 5,457 steps
- MRU Human and Social Studies Faculty's Team (107 members) have walked on average daily 5,415 steps;
- MRU Public Governance and Business Faculty's Team (87 members), whose members on average walked every day 5,076 steps.
MRU congratulates the Walker-of-the-Week - Public Security Academy Team member Gintas Vigraitis, who walked 205,987 steps during one week.
The #walk15 MRU step challenge will continue until June 20th, 00:00 hrs.
Instructions for Connecting to APP:
- Download #walk15 APP to your phone;
- Sign in and create your profile;
- Press on the trophy Icon;
- In Challenge search site, enter: mrueina2023;
- Enter the code, and press "connect to the Challenge“.