MRU Tops With Most Accredited Studies Programmes in Lithuania - MRU

25 July, 2017
MRU Tops With Most Accredited Studies Programmes in Lithuania

The Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC), having completed evaluations of 75 MRU studies programmes for 2010-2016, evaluated 81% for the maximum 6-year period. An additional 19% were evaluated for a 3-year period.

There were no MRU programmes that were not accredited.

It was the best result among universities in Lithuania.

Also, it must be noted that a large part of MRU studies programmes were accredited by various international evaluation agencies.

SKVC experts evaluated only 19 programmes.

Results for other universities included: Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) - 69% for 6 yrs., 29% for 3 years; 2% not accredited; Vilnius University (VU) 65% - 6 years, 33% - 3 yrs., 2% not accredited; Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) 55% - 6 yrs., 43% - 3 yrs., 2% - not accredited; and Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) 61% - 6 yrs., 38% - 3 yrs., 1% - not accredited.