Mykolas Romeris University's (MRU), expressing support for Ukrainian nation, which is experiencing Russian aggression, has prepared humanitarian, legal, and other type of aid for Ukrainians studying at MRU as well as for partners in Ukraine. MRU is prepared to offer existing university resources and also personal staff and student volunteered-help. The University has already initiated aid to Ukraine from the international academic community.
"On behalf of the University community, I express support for the people of Ukraine, who are fighting for their independent state and the right to live in a free, democratic and peaceful country," said MRU Rector Prof. Inga Žalėnienė.
"We support you - our long-time academic partners - and the entire Ukrainian academic community. We are prepared to share our bread, accommodations with students, alumni, academic personnel and their families from Ukraine, who are now part of the MRU community and with those, who will join its in the future," said MRU Rector Prof. Žalėnienė.
Members of Ukraine's academic community and their family members will be housed, based on need, in MRU dormitories in Vilnius and Kaunas. We have foreseen this need and prepared 100 rooms, where we can accommodate 290 persons. If needed, these facilities can be used to house other Ukrainian citizens, who need help. Ukrainian lecturers and their families, when in Lithuania, will be able to continue teaching, working remotely. The University will provide temporary computer places and organize transport of persons from Poland.
Ukrainian university students, coming to Lithuania, will be able to continue their studies in the safe environment of MRU, if studies at their home university are organized remotely online. MRU is prepared to offer tuition-free studies and temporary financial aid to Ukrainian citizens, whose studies are now interrupted or in the case that studying in Ukraine is no longer possible. Ukrainian students, who are unable to continue studies in their home university, can apply to study at MRU to continue their studies in effect using studies' results procedures from the Ukrainian university.
MRU students from Ukraine, who face economic difficulties, will be able to defer tuition and dormitory fees for a 3-month period. In addition, social aid measures will apply. Psychologists, working at MRU, will provide services for all academic community members..
MRU invites all community members, alumni, social and academic partners in Lithuania and abroad to transfer funds to a special "Swedbank" account to support Ukraine's academic community. All are invited to do their part to help people in this war-torn country. Al the funds that are collected will be strictly for social aid for Ukrainian students and lecturers including for accommodation, as well as scholarships.
Funds can be transferred to this AB "Swedbank" bank account:
„Swedbank” AB, Konstitucijos pr. 20A, LT-03502
IBAN: LT52 7300 0101 5380 3290
There are almost 100 students from Ukraine studying now at MRU. The University fosters partnerships with 26 Ukrainian universities.