The Senate of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) has agreed to confer an honorary doctorate to International Association of Universities (IAU) President Prof. Dr. Pam Fredman.
The MRU Honorary Doctorate was awarded to Prof. Fredman for her significant contribution enhancing the role of higher education in strengthening democracy and sustainable social development, for developing education and science policies based on humanism, promoting equal access to education for all, and reducing regional and social exclusion in education and science, for her outstanding contribution to bringing the world's academic community together to address global challenges through research and to promote open access to new knowledge and scientific results, and for consistent support in opening a wide range of international academic community cooperation prospects for Mykolas Romeris University.
"We value the great contribution of IAU President Prof. Dr. Pam Fredman in mobilizing the world's academic community to jointly solve global problems by conducting scientific research and promoting open access to new knowledge and research results," said MRU Rector Prof. Dr. Inga Žalėnienė.
According to MRU's Rector, Dr. Fredman's consistent support to the University - by opening up international academic cooperation perspectives - is also a win for Lithuanian higher education, in order to achieve its international recognition and significant results.
Prof. Dr. Fredman was Rector of the University of Gothenburg 2006-2017. From 2016 she is a member of the board of the Wallenberg Foundation, the largest private research-funding agency in Sweden. She sits on the board of several international and interdisciplinary centers at the Karolinska Institute, and is the Director of the Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development. From 2008 Prof. Dr. Fredman became a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. From 2016 she is the President of the International Association of Universities, actively encouraging cooperation between various universities, seeking to ensure the accessibility and internationalization of higher education. Prof. Dr. Fredman's contribution to field of neurochemistry research is reflected by her academic and research as well as more than 170 scientific publications in international highly-cited research journals.
The Honorary Doctorate was awarded to IAU President Prof. Dr. Fredman at Mykolas Romeris University on Sept. 22nd.
The International Association of Universities (IAU), created under the auspices of UNESCO in 1950, is a membership-based organisation serving the global higher education community through: expertise & trends analysis, publications & portals, advisory services, peer-to-peer learning, events, global advocacy. The IAU helps facililtate dialogue in the international higher education sphere. It unites more than 640 universities and national universities rectors‘ conferences from more than 130 countries. MRU participates in IAU activities since 2004.