Feb. 24th, 2015, MRU international and local students gathered in Rotunda Hall to weave tricolor friendship bracelets with Vilnius Simonas Daukantas Gymnasium pupils.
The event generated huge interest.
Mykolas Romeris University Rector Prof. Alvydas Pumputis and MRU Social Technologies Faculty Dean Prof. Leta Dromantienė joined the students in making traditional Lithuanian yellow, green and red bracelets.
It was a way to strengthen relations between MRU and gymnasium and high school pupils.
The weave-athon was held ahead of Lithuania's restoration of Independence holiday celebrated March 11th and is part of the "Lietuvai ir man" (For Lithuania and Me) events held throughout Lithuania. Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaitė is a patron of the event.
It will be possible to weave a colourful bracelet and present it to someone until March 10th.