March 29th, 2019, MRU student Andrius Brazdžionis, who is Lithuania's Silver-Medal holder, won 2nd place in the open MRU "Žaibas" Chess Tournament for the "ROSK Consulting" Cup. International Master and Lithuanian Chess Champion Tomas Laurušas won first place with 8,5 points of 9 possible.
The third place was won by MRU Alumnus and FIDE Master Tautvydas Vedrickas. Latvian chess player and International Master Oleg Krivonosov won 4th place.
The traditional tournament had a record number of participants - 60 chess players from Latvia and Lithuania, according to MRU Chess Coach Vaidas Sakalauskas, one of the Tournament's organisers.
Two international Masters and 2 World Chess Federation (FIDE) Masters participated to compete for the "ROSK Consulting" Cup.
Chess players not only played to win the Cup, but were awarded monetary prizes and ratings points. The Tournament was registered for ratings points with the international World Chess Federation (FIDE).
There were 5 chess players that collected 6,5 points.
Among women, Dominyka Batkovskystė, with 6,5 points, had the best result.
"Each year the number of participants grows. Tournament participants say there should be more tournaments like this," said MRU Chess coach Vaidas Sakalauskas, one of the Tournament's organisers.
There were a number of MRU students and lecturers that took part in the Tournament. For "MRU-ROSK Consulting" team members it was a great opportunity to play before the upcoming Lithuania Chess Match league game, which was held the following day.
Tournament results can be viewed here: http://chess-results.com/tnr422350.aspx?lan=30&art=1&rd=9&turdet=YES&flag=30