Mykolas Romeris University’s (MRU) Council approved merging the Faculty of Public Governance and Business’ Institute of Political Sciences with the Institute of Leadership and Strategic Management and rename it the Institute of Management and Political Science.
Mobilizing Potential. The lecturers of both Institutes participate in programme implementation. The Political Science core will be maintained and strengthened. We foresee opportunities for closer cooperation taking into account international interdisciplinary trends. Therefore, such concentration of potential, closer cooperation of the staff of the two relatively small institutes will allow for more efficient work organization and better results.
The Leadership and Strategic Management Institute has a strong track record in the development of research output, and attracting students to Master’s Degree programmes and practical organizational management and project activities. For many years the Political Sciences Institute has a Bachelor’s Degree programme in place, which also brings together a strong teaching and research staff. In addition, the exceptional Master’s Degree programme in Healthy Policy in the context of Lithuania is implemented. It is expected to be even more relevant in the context of the recent pandemic.
Pooling Resources. The aim is to streamline the planning of lectures by using lecturers from the same institute, allowing to minimize the costs to the Faculty and using existing lecturers. In addition, it allows to optimize all planning and administrative processes.By streamlining administrative processes, the workload of lecturers is more purposefully planned, their formation is simplified and the system of programme execution becomes clearer. By concentrating resources in one unit, not only are the administrative outlays minimized, but there is more efficient internal communication.