Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) has signed a partnership agreement with CEPOL to provide learning opportunities for law enforcement officers across Europe
More than 30,000 officials are trained every year by the EU Agency for Law Enforcement Training with the support of its partners.
MRU signed the partnership agreement with the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) to contribute to the implementation of law enforcement training activities and learning products for the period of 2021-2024.
Mykolas Romeris University has been selected, together with other 55 organisations and training research institutions across 27 EU Member States, following a call for framework partners launched in May.
Assoc. Prof. dr. Aurelija Pūraitė, Vice-Dean for Science and Research Activities at MRU's Public Security Academy said:
“For our University it is a great honour to be a part of the CEPOL partners’ network. We have been cooperating with CEPOL from 2015, and have contributed to the training of law enforcement officials in different ways – MRU has been a partner of the Consortia implementing European Joint Master Programme “Policing in Europe”, participated in Consortia establishing Knowledge Center on CSDP Missions. Our academics have given presentations during CEPOL's European Research & Science Conference.
A MRU representative is the national correspondent in the CEPOL Research and Science Correspondents Network, and a member of the Editorial Board of the European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin," she added.
"We see the cooperation with CEPOL as an opportunity to contribute to more effective, profound and involving European and international dimensions training for law enforcement, as well as a possibility to improve our professional competencies, to develop deep and meaningful partnerships with other training institutions acting in the field of law enforcement training from across Europe. ”
Through continuous and effective cooperation with the EU Agency for Law Enforcement Training, MRU will provide support in the implementation of a specialized training offer available to more than 1.5 million law enforcement officers in the European Union. In 2019, CEPOL trained, with the help and support of its partners, more than 34,000 officers on issues stemming from European Union priorities in the field of security, and in particular serious and organised crime.
CEPOL is the European Union Agency dedicated to develop, implement and coordinate training for law enforcement officials. CEPOL contributes to a safer Europe by facilitating cooperation and knowledge sharing among law enforcement officials of the EU Member States and partner countries and organisations. CEPOL constantly strives to offer innovative and advanced training activities by integrating relevant developments in knowledge, research and technology and by creating synergies through strengthened cooperation with its partners.
Contact details
Assoc. Prof. dr. Aurelija Pūraitė
MRU Vice-Dean for Science and Research Activities at the Public Security Academy
write: aurelija.puraite@mruni.eu