June 29th, 2023, the Senate of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) met considering a number of University matters including prices of PhD studies. Senate members decided to grant the title of MRU Professor of Social Sciences to Institute of Business and Economics of the Faculty of Public Governance and Business Lecturer Dr. Tadas Limba. He is head of the MRU Digital Media Design programme.
In addition, the Senate considered approval of the programme description of first cycle studies programme, Special Pedagogy, which is to be carried out by the Faculty of Human and Social Studies. Other matters on the agenda considered by Senate members included: approval of the description and study plan of the first-cycle study programme of the Faculty of Public Governance first cycle studies programme, Public Policy and Management specialization Politics and Foreign Languages description and studies plan for those admitted from the 2023-2024 academic year as well as consideration of doctoral tuition prices for those admitted from the 2023-2024 academic year.
The Senate decided to award the title of MRU Professor of Social Sciences to Faculty of Public Governance and Business, Institute of Business and Economics academic Dr. Tadas Limba. In addition it was decided to approve the Faculty of Human and Social Studies first cycle studies programme, Special Pedagogy description and approve the Public Governance and Business Faculty's first cycle studies programme, Public Policy and Management specialization Politics and Foreign Languages description plan and studies plan for those admitted from the 2023-2024 academic year and to approve MRU doctoral tuition prices for those admitted from the 2023-2024 academic year.