Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) maintains a high-level of scientificity and a number of study fields have improved their positions, according to university ratings released by the magazine "Reitingai" (Ratings)” for the 2021 fall/winter period.
In the rankings published in "Reitingai" magazine, MRU reaffirmed its status as a specialized social science university with a high level of scholarship, especially in Master's Degree programmes, which MRU offers twice as many as Bachelor's Degree.
Among Bachelor's Degree study fields, MRU Law studies placed 2nd among all universities. The following Bachelor's Degree studies areas also improved their positions: Psychology, Business, Pedagogy, Philology, and Translation.
MRU Graduates - Among the Highest Earners
Relevant STRATA data regarding earnings of the average salary of university 2018 Bachelor's Degree graduates of a specific field 12 months (a year) after graduation were also provided. One of the highest earners comparing studies areas in various Lithuanian universities were graduates of MRU Law programmes (1395 Eur), Political Science (1522 Eur), and Psychology (1423 Eur). They were followed by graduates of Social Work (1093 Eur), Communication (1248 Eur), Business (1513 Eur), Public Administration (1331 Eur), Translation (1364) and Philology (3243).
Positively Great Results - in Master's Degree Studies
When evaluating Master's Degree studies, the rating evaluators placed special emphasis on the level of science in a particular field.
"The science criterion showed, which university researchers are developing and in which fields strong science is being developed and possibly commercialized, - creating innovation and selling it to business, and which university researchers are simply presenting theoretical lectures," the rating evaluators noted.
For the third year in a row, two MRU Master's Degree studies areas were recognized as the best, and their scientificity received the highest marks. These were: Law and Public Security.
The highest scientific scores, among all Lithuanian state universities, went to MRU Master's Degree studies in political science as well as in the fields of Psychology, Tourism and Recreation. Public Administration and Educational Sciences Master's studies came in 2nd among all universities.
According to the Center for Quality Assessment in Higher Education evaluations, MRU Law, Poltical Science, Psychology, Human Resource Management and Tourism and Recreation Master's Degree studies areas received some of the highest ratings.
There are about 7,500 students and auditors who study at MRU.