Biodiversity is the totality of the most diverse plant and animal species. Current research shows that biodiversity on Earth is disappearing 100 to 1000 times faster than it used to be. Therefore, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) researchers will implement the European-Union (EU) financed project "BIOTraCes,” which will aim to help local communities in dam removal sites to preserve biodiversity.
The Project Will Contribute to an Important Cause
The initiative will conduct a case study of nine biodiversity-related sectors that have a significant impact on biodiversity in eleven European countries. Examples of sectors will include food production, agriculture, forestry, water and fish conservation, and urbanization.
Representatives of the MRU Applied Psychology Research Center (APTC) will join the case study: head Audra Balundė, prof. Dr. Goda Kaniušonytė and junior researcher Aistė Bakaitytė.
As Audra Balundė states: "The demolition of river dams will contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and the empowerment of local communities. The situation of migratory fish species on the verge of extinction will be improved and new economic opportunities will emerge for local communities."
In order to ensure a transparent and sustainable dam removal process, APTC will invite local communities to participate in the planning process. The researchers will also collaborate with experts who, together with local communities, will consider scenarios for activities after the dam is removed.
Briefly About BIOTraCes
"BIOTraCes" means biodiversity and transformative changes that have an impact on pluralistic and nature positive societies.
In the "BIOTraCes" project, marginalized and religious groups, gender issues and youth are highlighted. There are 11 partners from nine European countries will work closely together to achieve the successful implementation of the BIOTraCes project.
BIOTraCes is coordinated by a consortium from the Netherlands - based Wageningen Environmental Research Institute. Dr. Rosalie van Dam is head of the team
The project will last for 48 months, until Nov. 30th, 2026. The total project budget is 4,620,652.50 Eur.
More information about the project: LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram.