December 20th, 2022, a scientific study conducted by Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) researchers regarding Lithuania's asylum system was presented.
The purpose of the study was to carry out an ex ante assessment of individual components of the asylum system of the Republic of Lithuania and the institutional model of its transformation and to provide recommendations to the responsible institutions.
The evaluation covered some of the most relevant components of the asylum procedure and the system for requests by asylum seekers.
First, an assessment of the provision of legal aid in asylum procedures was presented. The main challenges in this area were identified and analyzed, and a model for the transformation of state-guaranteed legal aid was proposed, which would ensure the provision of quality legal aid, independent and effective administration of legal aid in asylum cases.
Secondly, the study examined the procedure for identifying vulnerable persons in Lithuanian asylum procedures and made suggestions related to the improvement of the procedure, preparation of necessary methodologies, ensuring uniform presentation of information in this area and noted a greater attention of state institutions to the situation of children of foreigners.
The research was carried out in an extremely difficult period for Lithuania when the country faced a migration crisis on the border with Belarus, after the beginning of Russian aggression against Ukraine. These difficult situations are directly related to the significantly increased flows of asylum seekers and refugees. The study examines the Lithuanian asylum system until the migration crisis in 2021 and changes from May 2021 until October of 2022.
One of the objectives of the common asylum policy of the European Union (EU) is to ensure fair and effective asylum procedures. The Republic of Lithuania, as an EU-member state, contributes to the implementation of these goals. This s also confirmed by the political and legal documents of the Republic of Lithuania.
Researchers from MRU's Law School, the Human Rights Research Laboratory and the MRU Public Governance and Business Faculty conducted the research.
The Project is jointly funded from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund's 2014-2020 National Programme Funds.
The entire research report will be accessible from January 2023 on MRU's website.