Lithuanian and foreign scientists and security experts are actively participating in the international scientific forum "Networking on Sustainable Security in Dynamic Environment", which is taking place at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) on 18-19 April. The forum, which has become a tradition, combines two conferences that analyse the problems of state, society, personal security and development potential.
The Forum participants were welcomed by the Rector of MRU prof. dr. Inga Žalėnienė. According to the MRU Rector, wars in the fields of information, cyberspace energy and economy do not respect borders or rules. We need to ask uncomfortable questions and seek answers together. The University and today's Forum provide an excellent, safe platform for such thought-provoking conversations.
"Troubling reality calls for a new paradigm – a progressive approach to foreign policy and national security that emphasizes development alongside defense and diplomacy and introduces the notions of collective and human security. Our forum will enhance our preparedness to face challenges and strengthen the network of experts, whose credibility is increasingly important in a changing world", said prof. dr. I. Žalėnienė.
Prof. Dr. Aurelija Pūraitė, MRU Vice-Dean for Science and Project activities, says that for several years now the Forum has been analyse issues relevant to contemporary security in various thematic sections of the Forum. This year, the Forum is focusing on hybrid threats, in particular on information threats and various forms of this phenomenon.
"Invited speakers from the USA, Australia, Estonia and Lithuania discuss at the impact of information in the contemporary geopolitical security context and how to counter various information threats," said Prof. Dr. Aurelija Pūraitė.
Every year, representatives of the General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania, as one of the partners of the Forum, actively participate in the discussions, presenting the latest research and in-depth analyses.
"This year, the presentations of the representatives of the Military Academy are particularly focused on the impact of (dis)information in assessing the geopolitical and security situation, threats posed by social networks, structural aspects of defence financing, financial security of the country, and other issues of public security," emphasised assoc. dr. Gitana Dudzevičiūtė, Head of the Research Group on Defence Economics and Management of the Military Academy.
More information: https://sustainsecure2024.mruni.eu/
The event is partly financed by the European Commission Erasmus + project Nr. 2022-1-EE01-KA220-HED-000089329 "Cooperation for developing joint curriculum on tackling hybrid threats (HYBRIDC)"