Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Environmental Management LAB Prof. Paulo Pereira has published an article with an international group of researchers on protected areas (PA) and their role in the greening of the Tibetan Plateau in an international research journal.
The paper, titled “Upgrading Protected Areas Can Improve or Reverse the Decline in Conservation Effectiveness: Evidence from the Tibetan Plateau, China” was published online Feb. 21st in the “Science of the Total Environment” journal.
The international team of researchers includes: China’s Beijing Normal University Prof. Wenwu Zhao, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Prof. Francesco Cherubini, Norwegian University of Science and Technology researcher Prof. Xiangping Hu, Prof. Pereira as well as Ting Hua.
The paper presents findings on how upgrading PA’s can improve or reverse decline in conservation.
Prof. Pereira is the Head of MRU’s Environmental Management LAB and heads an international team of researchers involved in several projects including Horizon SELINA and “InBestSoil.”
More information here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0048969723009610