March 13th, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Law Prof. Algimantas Urmonas, an honorary professor, Doctor of Law, administrative researcher, Criminologist, distinguished in various activities of the Restoration of Independence of the Republic of Lithuania as well as Administrative Law and MRU activities, celebrated his 80th jubilee anniversary. On March 25th, MRU's academic community congratulated Prof. Urmonas on this occasion and presented him with various gifts. One gift was the publication, "Administrative Law: Liber amicorum Algimantas Urmonas," that was dedicated to him by his colleagues.
From Feb. 1st, 2002 until Feb. 9th, 2005, Prof. Urmonas was an Associate Professor at MRU's Faculty of Law Administrative Law and Process Dept. From Feb. 10th, 2005, he was head of MRU's Faculty of Law Administrative Law and Process Dept. From July 3rd, 2006 he was appointed professor in the Law Faculty's Administrative Law and Process Dept. During this period Prof. Urmonas was engaged in various research making the University's name more well known not only in the region, but also in the international sphere. For his efforts, the MRU Senate on Aug. 28th, 2020, by way of Resolution Nr. 1SN-62, awarded him the title of MRU honorary professor.