The National Education Agency rated Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Master's Degree programs with the highest scores: the Master's Degree programme of pedagogical studies, "Educational Technology Management", specialization "School Management" scored 16 points, while the Master's programme of pedagogical studies, "Public Administration", specialization "Education and Science Policy and Management" scored 15 points.
Mykolas Romeris University invites heads of educational institutions or pedagogues intending to become them to free specialized Master's study programmes. Here, teaching staff will be able to obtain a Master's Degree. Information about the start of studies will be published shortly on the official MRU website: www.mruni.eu.
Master's study programmes aim to prepare competent heads and managers of educational institutions to give them the necessary competences to compete in both the Lithuanian and international markets.
Master's Degree study programmes have been updated in accordance with the new requirements of the Law on Education for managers of educational institutions with emphasis on internationality and competencies important to managers. MRU will ensure that foreign university academics participate in the preparation of study programmes, and that there would be cooperation with other educational institutions and organizations that conduct research and training related to the improvement of competencies in the fields of management and leadership.