There were 12 MRU Bachelor's Degree Law Students invited to the discussion. The Law School was represented by: Milginta Lukoševičiūtė, Augustė Maziukaitė, Eglė Striškaitė, Melanija Džafarova, Nojus Daukša, Arnas Kankevičius, Augustė Dumčiūtė, Laura Stefanovič, Dominyka Gromnickaitė, Meda Baranauskaitė, Kristina Bužinska and Dominyka Šeputaitė.
Law student Dumčiūtė, during the talk with the President, discussed legal education of society and issues relating to elections. Another student, Kristina Bužinska raised questions about the constitutional issue of mandatory military service and how it pertains to the rights and duties of men and women.
According to freshman Maziukaitė, who participated in the event, taking part in the discussion allowed to broaden knowledge of constitutional law, make contacts and have new experiences. Another student, sophmore Striškaitė said it was an unusual way to celebrate Constitutional Day and also an opportunity to gain more knowledge.