MRU Law School Delegation Visited Court of Justice of the European Union - MRU

6 December, 2022
MRU Law School Delegation Visited Court of Justice of the European Union

At the end of November, a delegation from MRU's Law School visited the Court of Justice of the European Union (EU) and the General Court of the European Union by invitation of the court. The goal of the visit was to become more closely acquainted with the latest practice of the EU court system and to discuss cooperation possibilities with MRU academics and MRU Law students. Next year the Court is to celebrate its 70th anniversary.

MRU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Regina Valutytė, MRU Law School Dean Prof. Lyra Jakulevičienė, Law School Public Law Institute Head Juozas Valčiukas met with the Court of Justice of the European Court Chairman and MRU Honorary Doctor Koen Lenaerts and with Lithuania's justices Irmantas Jarukaitis (Ct of Justice of EU), Rimvydas Norkus and Virgilijus Valančius (General Ct of the EU).

At the meeting there were discussions about the planned new Court reform, cases involving the rule of law, cases in new areas (sustainability, technology impact) where MRU academics are conducting research. Although not that many Lithuanians participate in international organizations, the delegation was surprised by the large number of Lithuanians working in the Court with whom delegation members discussed legal advisers, the linguists' profession and the advantages. There was also discussion about possible mentoring and practical hands-on experience for MRU Law students.

In the meeting with the first Advocate General Maciej Szpunar, the importance of the position of the Advocate General at the CJEU was discussed and it was noted that Lithuania will soon have to choose its first Advocate General from Lithuania.

During the visit, the career opportunities of law students and graduates in various Court divisions were discussed with different departments of the Court.