
21 March, 2019
MRU Law Assc. Prof. Goda Ambrasaitė-Balynienė Appointed to Supreme Ct.
March 19th, 2019, Lithuania's Seimas approved the candidacy of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Private Law Institute Assoc. Prof. Goda Ambrasaitė-Balynienė to the Supreme Court of Lithuania. She will assume duties on May 6th, 2019, according to information supplied by Lithuania's Supreme Court (LAT).
Currently Assoc. Prof. Ambrasaitė-Balynienė is a Justice of the Court of Appeal of Lithuania. Since 2004 she has been a lecturer at MRU's Faculty of Law.
Lithuania's Supreme Court Chairman Prof. Rimvydas Norkus said the new Justice has an excellent reputation. Assoc. Prof. Ambrasaitė-Balynienė is also a law scholar, whose appointment will help form and develop Supreme Court law ensuring a unified practice and defining of law, he noted.