
10 April, 2015
MRU Laboratory Heads Appointed
Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) has announced the Heads of more than a dozen Laboratories, which will engage in research in areas ranging from gender studies to health, human rights, mediation and conflict resolution to business innovation, and social technologies.
The laboratories will unite the most active MRU researchers, academics, professors and students. Academics from Lithuania and abroad will be invited to participate and conduct research.
The Heads of MRU Laboratories are as follows:
- Business Innovation Laboratory - MRU Assoc. Prof. Eglė Malinauskienė
- Digital and Creative Industries Laboratory -to be appointed
- Environmental Management Laboratory - MRU Prof. Paulo Alexandre da Silva Pereira
- Gender Studies Laboratory MRU's Lecturer dr. Eglė Krinickienė
- Health Research Laboratory - MRU Prof. Danguolė Jankauskienė
- Human Rights Laboratory - MRU Prof. Lyra Jakulevičienė
- Intellectual Property Laboratory - Prof. Mindaugas Kiškis
- Justice Research Laboratory - MRU Assoc. Prof. Virginijus Bitė
- Lifelong Learning Laboratory - MRU Assoc. Prof. Jolanta Urbanovič
- Life Quality Laboratory - MRU Prof. Ona Gražina Rakauskienė
- Mediation and Sustainable Conflict Resolution Laboratory - MRU Assoc. Prof. Natalija Kaminskienė
- Psychological Well-Being Laboratory - MRU Assoc. Prof. Aistė Diržytė
- Public Governance Innovation Laboratory - MRU Assoc. Prof. Mantas Bileišis
- Security Research Laboratory - MRU Assoc. Prof. Regina Valutytė
- Social Technologies Laboratory - MRU Lecturer dr. Gintarė Paražinskaitė
- Sociological Research Laboratory - MRU Lecturer dr. Vida Česnuitytė
- Statistics Laboratory - MRU Assoc. Prof. Rimantas Juozas Vaicenavičius
- Values Research Laboratory - MRU Assoc. Prof. Povilas Aleksandravičius