After publication of results of the annual evaluation of the Lithuanian Research Council for the last year, among the TOP publications, - 10% among the most cited publications globally, there were publications of researchers of Mykolas Romeris University's (MRU) Faculty of Public Governance and Business. One of the publications was MRU Prof. Agota Giedrė Raišienė's publication, Working from Home-Who Is Happy? A Survey of Lithuania's Employees during the COVID-19 Quarantine Period.
"When conducting research, the formation of an international team of researchers is determined by 3 factors: randomness, motivating goals and purposeful work. Researchers in the social sciences are not limited to a specific physical space. Researchers in the field of management, which I represent, have a wide field of activity in people and organizations, and the impact of those activities, which is why it is important for a management researcher to be constantly interested in and knowledgeable about both organizations and society. International research is born when researchers from different countries notice similar challenges and trends of change, discover that the current situation lacks clarity and begin to cease to be tormented by the desire to learn - curiosity, which is incidentally called scientific curiosity. This curiosity is the main impetus for joint research. Because there is no shortage of relevant challenges to organized human activity these days, it is often chance that determines which researchers have the time and desire to form a particular group. And then, a long and thorough scientific work - the first tangible result is a scientific publication," said Prof. Raišienė speaking about the internationality of science.
Prof. Raišienė emphasizes that “when we talk about my research conducted and published with colleagues, I have to admit that we did not set ourselves the goal of competing on a global level, but we had a sincere desire to know the reality. In addition, when preparing the manuscript of this article, I allowed myself to go beyond the framework of scientific genre and traditions - I chose the title of the article accurately reflecting the essence of the research results. The COVID-19 pandemic period seems to have exacerbated the need for information that is not wrapped in "cotton wool." This is our internationally acclaimed article. ”
"In addition to my favorite and far from exhausted problem of remote work, my colleagues and I intend to examine what obstacles prevent Lithuanian deaf people from pursuing higher education and why Lithuanian social sciences find it difficult to create and commercialize innovations," said the professor sharing her future plans.