May 17th, 11.30-17.00, Mykolas Römeris University (MRU) invites students, lecturers, staff, friends and faithful partners to come and participate in the “Celebration of Scientific Thought,“ which will be held at the Bagdoniškis Manor, Dvaro St. 5, Bagdoniškis, Rokiškis District. This event is dedicated to one of the idealogues of the Lithuanian Independence Movement, creator of the science of Constitutional Law – Prof. Michał Pius Römer. It is a day to celebrate his birthday.
An Outstanding Personality Who Left A Mark on Lithuania's History
Prof. Römer (1880-1945), after which this University was named when the independent state of Lithuania was reestablished, is an exceptional personality, a patriot of Lithuania, whose activity left an indelible mark in the history of Lithuania, Poland, and all of Europe's legal science and in the history of the restoration of the Lithuanian state.
MRU Law School‘s Dept. of Legal Philosophy and History Prof. Mindaugas Maksimaitis, in his monograph, "Mykolas Römeris – Son of Lithuania," describes the distinguished legal scholar as follows: “intellectual, popular professor, a scholar with wide interests, lawyer, authoritative statesman, active public figure, the first historian of the Lithuanian national revival, a great political analyst and a passionate publicist fighter.”
Prof. Römer distinguished himself especially in the case of the Joining of the Klaipėda region to Lithuania, when in 1932 he was appointed a Judge in the Hague Court of Justice and involved in the interpretation of the Convention and Statute of the Klaipėda Region.
The MRU Event’s Tradition - To Foster the Values of Law and Democracy Cultivated by Prof. Römer
MRU traditionally organizes a celebration on Prof. Römer’s birthday at the Bagdoniškis Manor, where the professor sometimes even examined his students. The Celebration is dedicated to spreading the scientific thought and the legacy of Prof. Römer to the public, and especially to the younger generation. The Celebration is organized in conjunction with the Rokiškis District Municipality, educational and cultural institutions, the loved ones of Prof. Römer and those that cherish the birthplace of the professor – Bagdoniškis Manor.
At this year’s “Celebration of Scientific Thought” guests will be able to hear readings of excerpts from Prof. Römer’s diaries which will be read bv high school students from the Rokiškis Juozas Tumas Vaižgantas Gymnasium. MRU Law Prof. Ieva Deviatnikovaitė will make a presentation and there will be an opportunity to participate in a quiz. During an awards ceremony, those nominated will receive distinctive awards.
During the event, Senate Badges of Honour for aid to Ukraine widll be awarded to Assoc. Prof. Alvydas Medalinskas and MRU Public Security Academy Prof. Dr. Žaneta Simanavičienė. More information here.
Venue: Bagdoniškis Manor, Dvaro St. 5, Bagdoniškis, Rokiškis District.
Event time: 11.30 – 17.00.