MRU discussion on openness, transparency and credibility in science - MRU

7 December, 2023
MRU discussion on openness, transparency and credibility in science
Public Security Academy
Faculty of Public Governance and Business
Faculty of Human and Social Studies
Law School

What is open science and how can it help make science more transparent, credible and useful to society? How Lithuania participates in the open science movement and what challenges it faces were discussed at the event "Discover Open Science Activities in Lithuania" held on 6 December at MRU. The discussion also focused on how the cooperation between scientists and citizens promoted by UNESCO and the European Commission is being implemented in practice.

"MRU, like other Lithuanian universities, is actively involved in the Open Science movement, which helps transform traditionally closed science systems into more accessible, inclusive, efficient and transparent ones. I have no doubt that this opening up of science has been beneficial for both the academic community and society," said MRU Rector Prof. Dr. Inga Žalėnienė, noting that a major step forward was the UNESCO Recommendations on Open Science published in September 2021, which helped to create a common understanding that access to knowledge and information is a public good and a human right.

Since 2013, MRU has contributed to the open access movement by creating open access to MRU's scientific papers and research results, and by providing guidance to researchers. Seminars for the research community, training for researchers, dissemination of information about Open Access and its benefits for the MRU community were also organised. At the event, Natalija Popkova from the MRU Science Analysis Unit presented the activities carried out by the University to ensure the visibility and accessibility of science.

Representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, researchers, PhD students, and research administrators also participated in the round table discussion.