Oct. 4th, 2017, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Rector Assoc. Prof. Algirdas Monkevičius, Law Faculty International Law Institute Prof. Dr. Justinas Žilinskas and Law Faculty Vice-Dean Assoc. Prof. Dovilė Gailiūtė were in Kharkov in Ukraine.
They participated in an international Law Forum and met with Jaroslav the Wise National Law University academics.
Speaking at the opening of the Law Forum, Rector Assoc. Prof. Monkevičius emphasised the importance of MRU's and Jaroslav the Wise National Law University's strategic partnership. They cited the jointly implemented joint Master's programme as an example of close cooperation.
Meeting with Jaroslav the Wise National Law University's Rector, there was discussion regarding further cooperation between both institutions.
MRU Law Prof. Žilinskas and Vice-Dean Assoc. Prof. Gailiūtė presented papers and participated in Law Forum discussions. They also met with Jaroslav the Wise National Law University students and introduced jointly implemented MRU Master's Degree programmes.