Dec. 16th, 2015, handmade gifts, hot tea and cider, sweets, cookies and more were on tap at the MRU Christmas Fair held in the inner courtyard.
Unusually sunny weather put everyone in a great mood as Christmas carols played.
MRU Rector Assoc. Prof. Algirdas Monkevičius, Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations Inga Žalėnienė and Vice-Rector for Education Assoc. Prof. Giedrius Viliūnas attended. They visited the different stands, tried sweets.
There was more than 300 Euros collected from sales of Christmas cards, handcrafted items, works of art, hot cider, cakes, cookies and sweets.
All the proceeds from the event will go to children suffering from cancer.
The Christmas Fair is supported by Ieva Krivickaitė, who has organized Lithuania's pop stars and celebrities to cut their hair in support of cancer patients in Lithuania. The 17-year-old Ieva recently caused a sensation cutting her long hair and shaving her head in support of sick children.
Organizers of the event: MRU's Marketing Dept. and the MRU's Student Body, MRUSA.