MRU Basketball Team Celebrates 95-79 Win After ASU Defeat - MRU

3 February, 2015
MRU Basketball Team Celebrates 95-79 Win After ASU Defeat

Feb. 2nd, 2015, the Mykolas Romeris University Basketball Team (MRU) defeated the Aleksandras Stulginskis University (ASU) Team 95-79 in a Lithuanian Student Basketball League (LSKL) game played at MRU's Sports Hall.

The MRU Team is now in 3rd place in the LSKL rankings after having won 11 games and lost 2 this season.

Top scorer during the game was MRU basketball player Julius Kazakauskas who scored 28 points.

The MRU Basketball team, the reigning champions, are defending their title this season.