MRU Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programmes Retain High Positions, According to Magazine "Reitingai" University Ratings - MRU

7 December, 2022
MRU Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes Retain High Positions, According to Magazine “Reitingai” University Ratings

Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) stands out with a high rating in the 2023 university study fields' rankings published by the magazine, "Reitingai," which evaluated University Bachelor's and Master's Degree studies.

December 7th, 2022, MRU was mentioned in the latest issue of the "Reitingai" magazine which was presented at the BNS News Centre. According to event organisers - "Reitingai" project manager Jonė Kučinskaitė and Senior Editor Gintaras Sarafinas, when evaluating Bachelor's Degree studies, organisers of the rankings aimed to show the level of science of each University's specific field.

Organisers evaluated Bachelor's Degree studies at Universities in the same way, but according to different indicators and starting points. The evaluation was carried out according to the following criteria: opinion of employers, analysis of top graduates admitted to institutions of higher education, the competitive score of admitted graduates in state-funded and non-financed places, the number of students who discontinued their studies and the change in graduates' salaries and the employment rate in 2021.

When evaluating specific fields, MRU leads in Bachelor's Degree full-time Law studies in the legal sciences field where MRU scored as much as 75.16 points.

Meanwhile, the scientific level of Master's Degree studies was evaluated, according to the formal assessment of research published by the country's universities in 2020, provided by the Research Council of Lithuania.

Master's Degree studies were also evaluated based on the number of programmes, the opinion of employers, the number of graduates studying at state-funded Master's Degree places, alumni employment and salary data over the last 3 years.

MRU is second (67,86 points) in Master's Degree Law studies. Out of all evaluated Master's study fields, MRU is in the TOP 3 in the fields of business, public administration, human resource management, tourism and recreation, law and psychology studies.