MRU Athlete of the Year - Runner Simas Bertašius - MRU

17 December, 2018
MRU Athlete of the Year – Runner Simas Bertašius

Dec. 14th, 2018, during an awards ceremony, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) student runner Simas Bertašius was selected as the Best 2018 MRU Athlete of-the-Year. The ceremony took place in the Vilnius Art Academy Gotika Hall.

Bertašius is an MRU Faculty of Public Governance International Politics and Economics Master's Degree student.

This year on June 2nd in Utena, Bertašius broke a 31-yr-old standing record to become the fastest runner in Lithuania in the 1500 m category with a 40,41 second time during the LLAF tournament.

There were many dignitaries at the ceremony including Seimas Youth and Sports Affairs Committee Chairman Kęstutis Smirnovas, LTOK Olympic President Daina Gudzinevičiūtė, and many others.