June 12th, 2023, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Rector Prof. Inga Žalėnienė and State Data Agency (VDA) General Director Jūratė Petrauskienė signed a 5-year cooperation agreement.
"Data protection analysts are particularly in demand in the labor market," said MRU Rector Prof. Žalėnienė. "We are glad that more and more young people want to acquire the specialization of Data Analytics in Public Management by studying public administration at our University."
The contract, which was initiated by Faculty of Public Governance and Business Public Administration Institute Director Prof. Andrius Stasiukynas, will promote closer communication and cooperation in the fields of science, education and social partnership. Special attention will be paid to scientific research and information exchange. University lecturers, researchers, students and doctoral students will have the opportunity to conduct research, professional and educational internships at the State Data Agency.
This partnership is expected to contribute to the development of progress and innovation in the field of data protection.
The State Data Agency is a government institution that participates in the formation of state policy in statistics management that is under the jurisdiction of the Finance Minister. The Agency implements policy and coordinates the preparation of official statistics.