Aug. 30th;, 2019, Lithuania's Supreme Court announced that Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Law graduate Milda Šmitaitė's Master's Law thesis, "Soft Law Instrument Influence in the Practice of Lithuania's Courts," was selected as the 3rd best in the 2019 competition.
First place went to VDU graduate Rasa Volungevičiūtė who wrote on legal regulation of criminal bankruptcy in Lithuania and the ultima ratio and nullum crimen sine lege principles.
Mykolas Romeris University School of Law Dean Prof. Lyra Jakulevičienė told winners to continue to deepen their knowledge because they spent so much time writing the theses. You are the specialists of these themes, the Dean told the winners. Be proud of your work and continue analyzing the themes further -whether in research or in your practical professional sphere, the Dean emphasized.
Lithuania's Supreme Court Civil Case Unit Chairman Sigita Rudėnaitė congratulated the winners and said the Master's Degree thesis competition has already become a nice tradition, which will continue, she said.