MRU Alum Juodytė on Balancing Rest and Activity, Vital for a Successful Career - MRU

29 August, 2021
MRU Alum Juodytė on Balancing Rest and Activity, Vital for a Successful Career

Knowledge of oneself and others is the basis of lifelong learning, without which it is impossible to reveal one's talents and abilities and develop by creating both interpersonal relationships and realizing oneself in the chosen professional field, says Mykolas Romeris University alum Ugnė Juodytė.

It is very important not to stop looking, experimenting and testing your strengths in different roles, said Juodytė, who graduated from Mykolas Romeris University with a Master's degree in Business Psychology.  She not only loves her favorite activities, but also helps organizations to figure out their strengths by finding various positive solutions that help one move forward and discover new opportunities, while unlocking one"s creative potential.

Learning Gives a Sense of Moving Forward

"I have a lot of fun learning new things, experimenting - that's my way of life," said the dynamic MRU alum.

"It helps shape my values ​​and make important life decisions. I am also inspired by the quality of time I spend with my family, supportive environment and well-being, when I feel balanced, take care of my body, mind, state of emotions and the needs of the soul, ”said the business psychologist Juodytė.

She said lifelong learning is motivated by the desire to find solutions to situations, working with clients or in personal life, when questions arise that force to look for more detailed answers and reasons. In this way, the process of learning and personal development helps to bring together like-minded communities, with whose support they manage to overcome the challenges and implement many projects.

“Learning gives a sense of moving forward, and sometimes it is a strong motivator that helps to keep your hands on deck on a daily basis. This is how knowledge is born. It is very motivating to move on. And if the situation lasts for a very long time - I remind myself that everything has a beginning and an end. And I am very grateful that the people, who are close to me always show their support for me, ”said Juodytė.

Balance of Rest and Activity is Vital to a Successful Career

Today, business psychologist Juodytė feels grateful to her family, who always supported her and to a community that encourages moving forward and creating for herself, for the ability to have a positive outlook on life and the opportunities it provides. She is delighted by her curious son, harmonious family relationships, purposeful practice of a psychologist and the ability to feel moments of happiness and gratitude every day.

As a result, for every woman who wants to study and move up the career ladder, she wishes: “to achieve results, but to feel joy in the process. It is important to remember that a balance of rest and activity is vital to a successful career. It is important to gather only supportive people around you. It is also important to have mentors at different stages to help create the life you want on your own, because everything is just a choice,” she said.