Nov. 9th, 2015, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Rector Assoc. Prof. Algirdas Monkevičius, Vilnius University of Applied Sciences Director Assoc. Prof. Gintautas Bražiūnas and Vilnius Professional Training Vocational Centre Director Rita Pečiukaitytė signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
It is a step in creating a concept for the Didlaukis Academic Village.
MRU Rector Assoc. Prof. Monkevičius said that the second largest academic village in Lithuania and Vilnius, the Didlaukis community, is being formed.
Rector Monkevičius said the MOU will allow for the use of each institution's infrastructure and to open up to the city of Vilnius.
Let's use the Sports Halls, academic spaces and foster development of the libraries as one united system, which would be open not only to students here, but to the city and our partners, said Rector Monkevičius.
Memorandum partners foresee joining hands to unite their work, skills, ties and contacts in creating the framework for one academic village.
In addition, there are plans to create a consolidation plan for infrastructure in the Vilnius areas of Baltupiai, Fabijoniškės, and Visoriai. This plan should be drawn up by the end of the year and presented to the Vilnius municipality, Lithuania's government, Seimas and other institutions for review.
"We're moving in the direction of effectiveness...," Director Bražiūnas noted.