In 1990, after the restoration of Lithuania's independence, the first page of the history of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) unfolded. Just a month after the announcement of the restoration of independence, a higher education institution was established. In 2004, it was named Mykolas Romeris University. The final, crowning event of the University's 30th anniversary jubilee events, was the hoisting of the huge, impressive tri-colour Lithuanian flag. This was just in time to mark March 11th - the holiday celebrating restoration of Lithuania's independence.
A year ago, the university celebrated not only the restoration of the independence of the Lithuanian state, but also the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the university. Many university professors and honorary doctors are signatories to the Act of Independence. They have made a significant contribution to the drafting of the Act of Independence itself, the Constitution of Lithuania, and other significant legal acts.
The university grew and developed together with the restored independent state. Since its establishment, it has been training law, public administration and security specialists, who have significantly contributed to creating the new state's legal, management and security foundations in accordance with Western democratic values.
This year, it was decided to begin a new page in the history of the University and the Lithuanian State. On the occasion of March 11th, a huge Lithuanian flag was unveiled on the university campus building facing Ateities street in Vilnius. The flag, which is 6 meters wide and about 16.5 meters high, covers one wall of the four-storey University building in Vilnius.
"Raising of the state flag is always a celebration, a positive event. This huge flag should encourage all of us to be proud of the work done by the State. At the same time, it symbolizes the determination of all of us not to give up and to overcome this pandemic," said MRU Rector Prof. Inga Žalėnienė.