From September 6th, 2016, U.S. emigree painter Magdalena Stankūnė's colourful batik works of art are on display in the 3rd floor foyer of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU).
The 91-year-old painter has donated a series of paintings now on display in the MRU Library and these colourful wall-to-ceiling works of art in the foyer next to the II-313 aud.
Stankūnė was born Jan. 5th, 1925 in Lithuania's Oželių village. Having completed Vladiškių primary school, she attended the Marijampolė Rygiškių Jono Girls Gymnasium. During the Russian occupation of Lithuania, she was forced to flee with her parents to the West. She lived in Germany, London (1947-1960) and later made Chicago her home.
She studied in various art academies and schools including Chicago's Art Institute. For a time her teacher was well-known Lithuanian graphic artist Viktoras Petravičius.
Stankūnė, who now resides in a suburb of Chicago, is still active and continues to paint and create works of art. In her spare time, she finds time to swim and stay active.
The batik painting exhibition was organized by MRU photographer Vidūnas Gelumbauskas.