Long-time Lithuanian World Centre Head Žilys Visited MRU - MRU

31 August, 2020
Long-time Lithuanian World Centre Head Žilys Visited MRU

Aug. 27th, 2020, the long-time head of the U.S.-based Lithuanian World Centre Artūras Žilys visited Mykolas Romeris University (MRU).

Vice-Rector Assoc. Prof. Saulius Spurga and Public Law Institute Director Prof. Agnė Tvaronavičienė welcomed Žilys and presented MRU activities and projects. They discussed future plans and ongoing changes now underway.

During the meeting they also discussed possibilities for cooperation and MRU's role in helping foster Lithuanian identity in the U.S.

The Lithuanian World Centre (PLC) is based in the U.S. in Lemont, about 35-km from Chicago.