March 1st, 2023, Lithuania's Ambassador accredited in South Korea Ričardas Šlepavčius and a group of Lithuanian diplomats met with Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) students, who are currently studying in double degree programs at Dongseo University (DSU) in Busan, South Korea.
During their visit to Busan, the diplomats of the Lithuanian Embassy in Seoul visited DSU, which has been successfully cooperating with MRU for more than two decades. They were acquainted with the university's scientific research base, academic campus and talked with MRU students studying there. DSU President Dr. Jekuk Chang met with the delegation of Lithuanian diplomats.
MRU students, studying at Korea's DSU in the Game Development and Digital Animation double degree Bachelor's programme, earn degrees from both MRU and DSU.
"South Korea is one of the largest creators of digital animation and game production in the world. Students, who have graduated here, should be very interesting to Lithuanian businesses working in this rapidly growing industry," said Ambassador R. Šlepavičius.
Among the MRU students is one student from Ukraine. DSU, taking into account Russia's aggression against Ukraine and the practices applied by the university in Lithuania, awarded this student a scholarship.
As noted by Honorary Doctor of Dongseo University MRU Rector Prof. Dr. Inga Žalėnienė, a partnership with an innovative, oriented towards the future DSU helped MRU to develop innovative studies and scienctific research. "I hope that the activities of the Lithuanian Embassy in Seoul will open up new opportunities to strengthen cooperation with South Korean educational and scientific institutions," said Prof. Dr. Žalėnienė.
Korean language and culture studies are also integrated into other MRU study programmes. In 2014, the first King Sejong Institute (KSI) was established in Vilnius at MRU. This Vilnius KSI, operating on MRU’s campus, has already been recognized twice as one of the best in the Europe, the Middle East and Africa region.
Dongseo University is one of the most esteemed institutions of higher education in the region, closely cooperating with more than 230 foreign universities and industrial partners. About 12,000 students from South Korea and 69 foreign countries study there, and 350 lecturers work there. Providing world-class education and practical skills necessary for successful professional activity, DSU is characterized by innovative, study programmes and scientific research. In terms of graduate employment, DSU leads the region among universities of similar size. Employment of MRU graduates is one of the best in Lithuania. In 2022 the average employment rate of MRU graduates one year after graduation was 77.95%.