Lithuanian language and culture summer course 2025 - MRU

14 March, 2025
Lithuanian language and culture summer course 2025
Faculty of Human and Social Studies

Mykolas Romeris University is organising an intensive summer course in Lithuanian language and culture from 22 May 2025 to 21 June 2025. We invite foreign citizens (students, professors, and researchers) to learn the Lithuanian language and deepen their knowledge of Lithuanian culture, history, social life, art, literature, etc. Courses will be taught at B1 level. The course programme includes not only lectures, but also excursions, cultural events, and interactive activities.

Course dates: 22 May 2025 – 21 June 2025

Registration deadline: 14 April 2025.

Scholarships and tuition waivers

Please note that:

  • The course is organised by Mykolas Romeris University.
  • You can apply only to one institution that organises these courses at one time.
  • Applicants must be students, lecturers or researchers at foreign HEIs.
  • Applicants must provide a motivation letter.
  • Applicants must provide a letter of recommendation from a professor, tutor or academic supervisor using this form, which is not older than six months prior to the application submission.
  • These courses are offered at B1 level of Lithuanian language proficiency.
  • Course participants can only take advantage of the tuition waiver for a maximum of 3 times in total. Those who apply to participate for the fourth time will not be considered.
  • The scholarship amount is 910 EUR.
  • Tuition fee for Lithuanian language and culture course will be covered by the Republic of Lithuania and directly transferred to the higher education institution.
  • If a candidate applies to more than one institution, his/her application will be rejected as ineligible, and he/she will not be allowed to take part in the competition.


Lithuanian language and culture courses for foreigners (22 scholarships to students, lecturers or scholars of higher education and research institution of foreign countries (all countries except Russia and Belarus));

Priority (and extra points) will be given to the applicants who:

  • Apply for the Lithuanian Language and Culture course for the first time;
  • Formally or informally study the Lithuanian language, history and culture in their home country (a document confirming this must be added to the application form, independent studies of the Lithuanian language shall not be accepted);
  • Are citizens of Australia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, China (the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan), Georgia, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, New Zeeland, South Korea, Ukraine, the US, and Uzbekistan. 

Contacts regarding application and submission of documents: Liana Petronytė