Faculty of Public Governance and Business Master's Degree programme "Sports Industries Management" and "Tourism Sector Management" students, immersed in "Marketing and Communication subjects, had the possibilty to expand their knowledge undertaking a group analysis. It involved analyzing marketing activities, according to the requirements of the Lithuanian Cycling Federation (LDSF).
After the first lectures, LDSF General Secretary Stasys Petrauskas acquainted students with Federation activities and gave them a task. They had to undertake "Creation of a LDSF Loyalty Programme and Value to Licensed Cyclists," present it to LDSF officials. Later, the project transformed into a contest.
In order to increase the motivation of students, prizes were awarded to the authors of the best written works - Lithuania's National Cycling Team members T-shirts with autographs of the best 2020 Lithuanian female or male cyclists. Six student work groups, having discussed aspects of the task, spent several weeks analyzing and prepared their recommendations. After that, results and recommendations were presented. LDSF came to the conclusion that the most suitable and valuable work was prepared by Master's Degree students of the "Sports Industries Management" programme: Ieva Adomavičiūtė, Aistė Griciūtė, Anastasija Krivcova, and Domantas Savickas.
"Sports Industries Management" Head Prof. Dr. Vilma Čingienė congratulated students along with MRU Leadership and Strategic Management Institute Director Assoc. Prof. Aistė Dromantaitė and LDSF's Stasys Petrauskas.