This month, Spain's international political science journal, "Pensamiento al margen" published Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Lecturer's Juan Carlos Pagan Motos paper on Spain's political party Podemos and the communication theories of Lithuanian literary scientist, semiotician Algirdas Julius Greimas.
The paper, "El discurso de Podemos a la luz de la semiótica narrativa y cultural," deals with Spain's 3rd largest political party, populist Podemos and the works of Greimas and Yuri Lotman as they give an account of the success and limitations of Podemos.
Juan Carlos said he spent his summer immersed in the works of Greimas and working on the paper.
"For me, it was something emotional to analyse a burning political issue of my country with theories of Algirdas Greimas in the year of Greimas' jubilee," he said.
Juan Carlos Pagan Motos is a lecturer in MRU's Institute of Humanities.
More on the journal and article here: https://www.pensamientoalmargen.com