
28 February, 2020
Law School Students Visited U.S. Embassy Feb. 27th
Law School
Feb. 27th, 2020, Mykolas Romeris University Law School student freshmen visited the U.S. Embassy and listened to a lecture on the U.S. presidential electoral system and constitutional issues. MRU Law School Prof. Dr. Toma Birmontienė and Lecturer Dr. Juozas Valčiukas were also at the Embassy and listened to the lecture by U.S. Embassy Public Relations Head Sara Stealy. The visit to the U.S. Embassy was part of the studies subject, "Comparative Constitutional Law." In March, students are expected to attend a lecture at the Embassy of France where they will be able to find out more about the forms of France's Constitutional system and the latest reforms in this area. Photos by Vytas Neviera