
13 March, 2018
Law Prof. Stasys Vėlyvis Honoured March 13th
March 13th, 2018, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Law Prof. Stasys Vėlyvis was honoured for his contributions to law, educating several generations of legal experts, attorneys and academics, and recognized for his publications.
His textbook on Roman Law, (Romėnų teisė) is the definitive source for law students and scholars on Roman law.
Prof. Vėlyvis, born in 1938, celebrated his 80th jubilee this month.
MRU Rector Assoc. Prof. Algirdas Monkevičius and Law Faculty professors, lecturers, the Chairman of Lithuania's Bar Association, Judges, Justices, and students, were on hand to congratulate the long-time MRU Professor.
Rector Monkevičius bestowed the title of Honorary Professor on Prof. Vėlyvis.